unisex lacoste

Since the creation of the Lacoste L!ive line in 2011, Lacoste has focused on unisex fashion. To focus on a young and urban image, this Lacoste brand “plays” with the traditional. Whether it's jackets, windbreakers, t-shirts, tracksuit bottoms, hats, sweatshirts and even socks, Lacoste L!ve has it all unisex.

The pieces feature a more oversized and straight silhouette, as you can see in the White T-Shirt with the enlarged logo, which has a round cut. It is 100% cotton and available in white.

If you're looking for matchy t-shirts for you and your girlfriend, you have the ideal options here.

unisex lacoste t-shirt

But after all, what is the reason for unisex ? I'm sure you've noticed that there are several women buying clothes in the men's section. This made brands realize that there was a third path that should be explored. Exactly, unisex fashion. And that's exactly what happened with Lacoste.

Did you know that pink was a masculine color? So it is. Until the mid-40s, this color was seen as a lighter shade than red, a color associated with masculine power and, for this reason, it was used by boys.

When we talk about unisex fashion, it is impossible not to mention Coco Chanel as well, as it was the brand that masculinized women's clothing. By creating a new aesthetic of dressing women in men's clothing, connoted as men's clothing.

lacoste unisex backpack

Although unisex fashion is increasingly common, it still has a long way to go. Therefore, it is important that you realize that this fashion is here to stay, and that it is no longer one of the passing fads. That's why Lacoste has done an excellent job in this new fashion, constantly breaking barriers in terms of what is considered men's and women's clothing.

And you, do you wear unisex clothes?

Tell us in the comments! 😊

João Carvalho