The cold is coming and Dickies presents you with an autumn winter collection that will leave your jaw dropping. Best of all, all pieces are unisex.

dickies new sacramento shirt

The New Sacramento shirt is perfect for wearing in the most basic outfits. Imagine you have jeans, white or black sneakers, a white t-shirt inside and, on top, this shirt. Top, right?

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This kispo is for both boys and girls. Versatile, comfortable and extremely stylish, you will have a standard piece in any look. The fact that it is beige will make it easier to combine, so you can't go wrong. Furthermore, it will protect you on those colder days.

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To finish off with beauty, this fantastic puffer vest is perfect for this mid-season. Imagine the outfit. A white t-shirt, baggy jeans or looser beige jeans, NB 530s and boom, perfect match.

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João Carvalho