Quais são os presentes ideais para oferecer no Dia da Mulher?

What are the ideal gifts to give on Women's Day?

Women's Day is just around the corner and as a good Portuguese person (or not) you leave everything until last. And because we already know how everything works, we will make your work even easier. In this post, we will show you suggestions for gifts that you can offer on Women's Day. We will divide this post by prices, so that it is easier if you have set a budget. Are you ready? So come from there.
7 T-Shirts da Dickies que tens de ter no teu armário este Verão

7 Dickies T-Shirts you need to have in your closet this summer

Even though we are going through a cold phase, we want to show you the next t-shirts that need to live in your closet. Don't go this post bring the sun, so you can use it! 😉

As is already customary, the dickies does not disappoint. If you like having pieces of clothing that stand out in any outfit believe, the dickies It's a brand that you'll definitely love. Despite being strong in much more fashion than T-Shirts, today we decided to focus only on these pieces. From the first photo, you can already see that each t-shirt is prettier than the other!

João Carvalho
Tagged: Dickies t-shirts
Que tipo de outfit devo usar num date?

What type of outfit should I wear on a date?

With Valentine's Day approaching, we're sure you're already looking for what to wear to the program on this date, with your plus one . For that reason, today we are going to present, with the help of our models, Andrew and Thalyta, suggestions for men and women to shine on the date. In addition, we will give you funny suggestions for programs you can do on that day.
João Carvalho